November 23, 2012

Polish plumbers make great neighbours!

Arleen lives in a neighborhood that has absorbed a great many immigrants, and the change of ethnicity in her neighbors is being reflected in the change of ethnicity of her local tradesmen and medical practitioners – one she appreciates (Polish plumbers) the other she doesn’t (Asian doctors).

"I am thankful that a lot of Polish plumbers have moved into my area because before they came I had a devil of a job getting a home-grown plumber to carry out minor repairs let alone acknowledge my calls," says Arleen, "and they charge very reasonable rates for their work, too."

"Polish immigrants, at least the ones I know, have assimilated very well and make good neighbours and citizens," says Arleen, "and we are very grateful they they have useful skills like plumbing!"

"Of course, as time goes by they might become as uppity as the home-grown plumbers or become as aspirational as the local lads," says Arleen, "and then we'll be bringing in the Chinese plumbers or whatever to fill the void and create a bit of competition."

"Frankly, I don't care who fixes my pipes, and I wish I could say the same about fixing my body but I can't," sighs Arleen.

"And it's not altogether a female thing I am talking about," says Arleen. "I've spoken to male neighbors who feel the same about being treated by our new Asian doctors who make no bones about the fact that he or she thinks western people are disgusting."

Read more by Arleen on this issue:

  • immigrant plumbers and doctors
  • foreign doctors and female patients
  • fear of foreign doctors

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