September 04, 2012

people smuggling

The populations of all western countries have expanded alarmingly through unchecked open border immigration policies, and nothing it seems can stem the flow of illegal immigrants from all parts of the world aided by people smugglers.

The welfare cost of maintaining both legal and illegal immigrants is crippling, and taxpayers of all races and creeds are offended by this drain on the public purse.

People smuggling does not occur without some official sanction, even if it is just turning a blind eye, so governments are rightly blamed for causing the immigration problem by employing far too many ethnic people in positions of trust.

Non-white, non-Christian illegal refugees bring with them all of the customs that western societies abhor along with all of the problems that forced these people to leave their original countries in the first place.

It is invasion by stealth, and while Europe has been invaded by various hordes over the centuries - and has done a lot of invading of other lands in its own right - this new type of invasion is difficult to comprehend.

Invasion by conquest normally requires the invaded population to subjugate itself to the culture of the invaders. Everyone understands this. Yet the same sort of subjugation takes place when an invasion occurs by stealth!

Invaders - conquerors or illegal immigrants - require housing, food, clothing, medical attention and all manner of other services all of which must be provided by the invaded population, and all of which must be served in strict accordance with the peculiar customs of the invaders.

Unless Europe cracks down hard on illegal immigration, it will not be able to survive the total subjugation by stealth that the unwelcome invaders will eventually bring about.
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