May 10, 2010

immigration and cultural marxism

Nanette, a 23-year-old student, maintains that the massive immigration shifts in population and the offshoring of jobs and free trade agreements that took off astronomically after the fall of Soviet Russia are no coincidence - it's cultural Marxism.

"While there are many countries on Earth that remain exclusively and proudly black, brown or yellow, there is no longer any country on Earth that is exclusively and proudly white," says Nanette. "Rather than following Japan's style of refusing residency and citizenship to people who are not Japanese in looks, language and culture, we are being pressured to embrace all races by the multi-cultural Marixists."

"The point I'm trying to make is that everyone is so concerned about losing their jobs in the juggernaut of globalization that they miss what is really going on," says Nanette. "We are losing our national, cultural, religious and racial identity - and our borders."

"Australia and the African colonies remained the only western nations that clung tenaciously to white cultural values in the post-WWII world," says Nanette. "Australia maintained its White Australia Policy prohibiting colored migrants until it was pressured to capitulate to multi-culturalism in the mid-1960s but the apartheid regime of South Africa held out defiantly against pressure and economic sanctions for decades longer."

"When South Africa capitulated, hoards of white South Africans - like the white Rhodesians before them - returned to their mother countries or migrated to America, Canada or Australia where they discovered, to their dismay, that being white had no more value there than it did where they escaped from." laughs Nanette. "But at least they saved themselves from the terrible retribution that is said to befall all white people in South Africa when Nelson Mandela dies."

Read more by Nanette:

  • the globalization buzz

  • interracial cultural marxism

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