March 23, 2010

migrant entitlement delusion

The attitude of our more recent 'educated' migrants never ceases to amaze Xanthe – child of poor migrants – because they expect as a god-given right the sort of recognition, opportunity, wealth and lifestyle that their class may once have commanded at home (but no longer command due to increasing population, education and breaking down of class barriers – which is why they were forced to migrate); and they fail to respect the universal expectation conferred upon all migrants – shape up or ship out!

"Instead of being grateful to be accepted as a new resident, and working hard at integrating into an established culture and earning their stripes – as earlier immigrants like my parents did," says Xanthe, "we now have 'entitlement' migrants who not only demand everything on a platter, but also want to change our culture to reflect their minority presence."

"For instance, a recently arrived young immigrant lady with dramatic pretensions was on the radio the other day complaining about our monocultural image and demanding more diversity in our television shows, sports teams and tourism campaigns," sighs Xanthe. "I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at her outrageous proposal that the global image of our country would be better represented by replacing a lot of white faces with those of her particular skin color."

"She based her claim on a perception that almost every ethnicity in the world can be found in our big cities," says Xanthe. "That being the case, in her view, these people reflect the nation better than the established white inhabitants do.”

"Hello? Apart from airports and ghetto suburbs, the diversity she raved on about just doesn't exist in mainstream western nations – the last time I looked at census data, whites were still the majority.

“Any big city anywhere in the world is teeming with foreign tourists, students, migrants and illegals," says Xanthe, "but western nations, on the whole, still reflect the blood, sweat and tears of hundreds if not thousands of years of white habitation, and having discovered the truth of this fact after she migrated it is sour grapes for her to complain about it and want to change things."

"Sure, we reflect a fair bit of diversity in our culinary tastes as well as in our media," says Xanthe, "but media depiction of minorities is often tokenism, not to be taken too seriously because if taken too far it is divisive rather than inclusive."

"I believe migrants are fed, and swallow, a lot of political hype about western nations being truly multicultural.," says Xanthe, "and while I sympathize with this woman if she emigrated on the basis of a pack of lies, I believe her energy would be better directed at cautioning her country men and women not to make the same mistake she did.”

"Nobody voted for multiculturalism here, and despite all the weasel words that the politicians and other government departments spew forth, you only have to look at their hierarchies to see who’s on top and who’s at the bottom - who barks the orders, and who stands behind the post office counters."

"Migrants are increasingly being brought in to do the jobs that white natives don’t want
to do, and if you’ve migrated in expectation of being given a job commensurate with your qualifications then it’s natural, I suppose, to feel you’re being discriminated against on account of your skin color when the only work you can get is in a menial occupation."

“What this woman fails to see if that there are highly skilled white people also trained at our nation's elite schools, who can't find suitable work either," says Xanthe, "and while not having a white face may be a drawback, especially in a media job where what you look like counts, skin color is rarely an issue and to cry ‘racism’ in order to gain preference in the employment market is an entitlement delusion of epic proportions.”

"If I migrated to, say, India or Africa, went to an elite Indian or African drama school and expected my white face to be projected as the face of India or Africa then I'd be rightly considered delusional," laughs Xanthe. "If I then stamped my foot and demanded to be fast-tracked in my career because I was white in a predominantly non white community, then my delusion would be called, quite rightly, a racist entitlement delusion."

“For centuries western nations have provided a haven for refugees and migrants who have successfully integrated into our society, and if our newest migrants - educated here or overseas - cannot appreciate their good fortune and learn to integrate then the reason for this could very well be an inflated perception of their intrinsic value.”

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